
Credit Wipe


This listing is for our Credit Wipe Service. We use USC Code and laws to achieve your results. Our aggressive approach to credit repair has made us a go to for many people and business professionals who rely on their clients having good credit. With each round of our Credit Wipe we dispute the max…



This listing is for our Credit Wipe Service. We use USC Code and laws to achieve your results. Our aggressive approach to credit repair has made us a go to for many people and business professionals who rely on their clients having good credit. With each round of our Credit Wipe we dispute the max number of negative items /accounts as allowed by the bureaus (typically up to about 10 accounts) and the same with inquiries. Get results fast and increase your credit health without all of the monthly fees. Add the Money Sniper if you want us to petition for monetary relief based on the findings of any errors in your credit report with the proper bureaus/authorities. Look at it as a second line of offense and means to receive compensation if creditors have committed any violations against you or your consumer rights.

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Yes (+$50), No